THE BEAN RADAR-Coffee Bean reviews

This is the place where you can find most of the coffee beans that I have reviewed and try them for yourself. I am on a quest to find the best coffee bean I can!

Welcome to The Bean Radar, where you will find a variety of coffee beans that I have personally tried to suit every taste and budget. The bean radar is meant to help every different type of coffee drinker find the perfect beans for them. I know that there are many different people in this coffee-filled world we live in so I wanted to create a place where all types of people can connect through coffee and find their favorite roast.

brown coffee beans
brown coffee beans

Mount Comfort Coffee

Mount Comfort Coffee is an amazing company that only makes single-origin coffee. This coffee has been a favorite for both me and my Mom for many years. I first found this coffee around 2-3 years ago while strolling through Costco with my Mom we have always loved trying new coffee beans and the packaging stood out to us because we love camping and we always say that the best coffee is the coffee you have camping in the mountains. After trying this coffee for the first time me and my Mom were hooked. We started buying every different bag we could from Mount Comfort Coffee and even started a subscription plan. After 2-3 years of trying different coffee beans I can still confidently say Mount Comfort Coffee is still my favorite. I Highly recommend you get a bag for yourself my favorite bag is the single-origin beans from Peru.

Bones Single Origin Colombia Coffee

These coffee beans have great notes of vanilla and almond. The dried fruit note is not as noticeable as the other two but it still helps bring a great flavor to the coffee beans. I gave these coffee beans a 7 out of 10 because they were good but did not stand out and they were more pricey than I expected. I also had trouble opening the bag but that might have been my fault. Overall a great cup of coffee but there are way better options in my opinion.

Verena Street Coffee - Julian's Breakfast Blend

When I first saw this coffee at my local grocery store for only 6 dollars I was definitely skeptical but I knew I had to try it. Coffee beans are pretty pricey nowadays so to find a deal this good was like finding a diamond while walking down the street. I'm used to spending $13-$20 for a 12 oz bag of coffee with about the same quality as the Verena Street Coffee so I highly recommend this if you want a great well-balanced coffee for a fraction of the price of other coffee brands. Sadly I couldn't find the coffee for as cheap online it is about $12 on the Verena Street website and $24 for a 2-pound bag on Amazon so I highly recommend looking at your local grocery store before buying this coffee from my website or anywhere online. However, if you still want to support me it will still be linked under this paragraph.

Peace Coffee

Peace Coffee is an organic and sustainable brand that I recently came across while looking on Amazon and I was very surprised at how good their coffee beans are. I have only tried the Birchwood Blend so far but I will definitely buy more. This is a medium roast with a smooth body and mild acidity. The notes on the Birchwood Blend are bittersweet chocolate, honey, and cedar. Overall I gave this an 8.6 out of 10 because it was an amazing cup of coffee but it is very simple nothing too crazy it is perfect if you quickly need a morning cup of delicious coffee. Sadly I didn't get the full experience when ordering these beans because I bought them already ground instead of whole beans so they weren't as fresh as other coffee I have tried.